Monday, April 26, 2010

Too Much of a- Well...You Know the Rest

All the noise! I spend most of my days surrounded by some sort of noise.
I'm a music junky, I admit it! And while there is nothing wrong with music (I'm not going all Footloose here) seeing how it's a creation of Gods, too much of anything is a bad thing...

Music is a way to worship God, just like dancing, praying, etc. And swearing off "secular" music is a difficult thing! I ADORE music! I love all genres and I love the beat and I love lyrics and just everything about it! And when I hear a song I like (once again I like all genres so I choose songs or artists I like no matter if it's classical or metal) I can't stop listening to it and I just feel! I've heard people say that music was there for them when nobody else was and that's partially the case for me! Most of my break through moments in my christian walk are moments that I heard a song that spoke to me! It took me at my weak point and gave me back my strength and lifted my spirit. And those are the songs that I believe are truly anointed and blessed by God to do just that!

Another thing about music is that when I have good worship music everything seems to melt away and I'm filled with this uncontrollable joy! I smile, laugh, and do a sort of weird dance when I worship! And you know what? I'm not at all ashamed of it! Just like the song "Undignified" (one of my favorites!) AKA 2 Samuel 6:21-22 I feel like David and I blank out all of those around me and I don't care if I look "stupid"! And I've had the weird stares before and the giggles as people look at me but after a while I started to feel bad for them! They had this amazing worship around them and instead of joining in they were making fun of the genuine people! Worship is easily my favorite part of church services and my devotionals and mornings! When I hear worship that speaks to me and that I feel a strong anointing on I just can't help myself!

BUT. This is worship music and this is in reasonable moderation! Right now I seem to have an addiction to music in general! I have it on in every room every minute of every day! I keep it with me and I don't ever seem to have a time to just be still and silent. And I wrote before that I need to "Sit Down and Shut Up!" And that isn't just about me constantly talking but also about letting it be completely silent! Americans especially are surrounded my media, in most countries is unbelievable that we have radios in our cars and can't even take a car ride in silence! And with all the television and music everywhere we don't get a moment of silence to just listen! And that is probably why christians in other third world type countries are more in touch with God! Once again I'm not getting anti music Footloose style on here but I'm saying that while music is an amazing thing that maybe we all need to have breaks from it...

So while worship music is something that I love and that helps me get a connection with God I'm going to be trying to ween myself off my constant music obsession for the next while. I got rid of about 80% of my secular music and the part I have left over going to be tough to get rid of. I'm going to have to get rid of all TV and secular music and media for my year at Honor Academy and so I'm trying to get off it as much as I can before then. I think that hearing God is easier the less distractions you have so I'm going to try as hard as I can for this. Even though it's worship music I still think that I should not have it on so much that I can't concentrate and hear what the God I'm worshiping is saying to me! I hope it's not too confusing, I'm just writing this as I think of it. But this is something I've really been thinking about recently.
And I think those reading this should also consider this as well...

Keeping the Faith,

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