Tuesday, July 27, 2010

A Few of My Favorite Things, Number 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, and 19

13. Hot water!
Once you have to go through a time when you have only ice cold water you become very thankful for water heaters. Having a warm shower, defrosting things in the sink, and everything else you use hot water from the pipes is a huge blessing I have!

14. Music!
We get lectured about not listening to secular music and are always talking about how "bad" songs are and we often forget that God created music as a form of worship! Music lifts us up, it has a certain "power" that most can't understand why it does. Being able to put on a worship CD and feel the comfort in the words and to sing to God about His love and our love for Him is an amazing gift that God created for us all to enjoy and to share with Him.

15. Pudding!
Yes, I am going to put pudding on the list. Why? Because I am thankful for pudding! It's delicious and why not thank God for it? We should thank God for everything, so I am going to thank God for one of my favorite snacks, pudding!

16. Smells!
Being able to smell all the wonderful things God created is so awesome! Spices, flowers, food, candles, the ocean, and everything else has a smell and I find this to be so amazing! Smell makes things taste better and appeal to us more and is an amazing gift we have with our bodies!

17. Orchids!
Orchids are one of my favorite types of flowers! Something about them is just so beautiful to me so I have to thank God for creating this beautiful flower!

18. The Bible!
Gods amazing love letter and testament to us is a HUGE gift! And I am so lucky to have access to one. There are so many places around the world where people cannot have bibles, so I thank God that I am able to have one.

19. A house!
To have a home to protect me and keep me warm and safe is one of the biggest blessings I have! I thank God so much for giving me the blessing of a house! And I can't imagine how hard it is for people without one. I have such a longing in my heart to help families with no home so that I can give this blessing I have to them as well.

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