Monday, July 12, 2010

A Few of My Favorite Things, Number 2, 3, and 4

Sadly even though I thought of things for this list on these part couple days I forgot to actually post them, my bad my bad... So here they are!

2. Puppies!
So yes, I know that it sounds cheesy, but it's true! Why can't we say we are thankful for the little things? I know that all dogs don't really go to heaven and "they have no soul" and all that... But the thing is that God puts everything on earth for a purpose! And I know that there are lots of purposes for puppies besides this but personally I love puppies because they are a comfort to me. When I'm sick or sad any dog I'm around knows and comes up to cheer me up, and I love that! I know that God made them to be mans best friend for more reasons than this, but I still am so thankful for this.

3. Clouds!
I have always had a thing for clouds. And when I was in California I loved them, but now that I'm in Colorado (living on a mountain I might add) clouds look so much more amazing to me! (No offense Cali) Clouds make amazing patterns with light and wind, give shade on days when the sun is blazing, and pretty much are rain! I can spend hours just looking at the clouds and I have over a thousand, at least, photos of clouds! From sunsets, to when I'm on Airplanes, to when I'm just outside on a "normal" day.

4. And one more "small" thing, the lilac bush right outside my window!
When we first moved to the house I live in now I chose my room because of the beautiful bush outside of the window! During winter (aka 10 months of the year up here) it was brown and dead... But now that warm weather is here, even if it's just for a little while, it's blooming and I love the aroma it has! I even dried some of it out!

Well that's all for now!

-Keeping the Faith,

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