Saturday, September 4, 2010

The Ultimate Eye Doctor

So it's now been about three weeks since I have become an intern, about two since my commitment to stay for a year and about one since God started to dramatically change me. Yesterday I went to the "prayer tree" for prayer and worship and I noticed something that I'm now inspired to write about.

As listened to the voices of people singing their hearts out I looked up at the stars, something I had stopped doing, I was struck in awe. Now Texas isn't the best place to ever see the stars there's still light pollution and the such. But still it was so gorgeous! I looked at each star and when I tried to count I remember (as the song says) that while I can't even count or see all of them God knows each and every one by name! And although it cause me lots of chigger bites I sat in the grass and I looked at each blade. My mind was completely blown and I almost started to cry.

What I am writing about now because of this is having childlike wonder at the earth.
At what point do we become dumbed down at the wonders of the earth? True, this isn't our real home and pales in comparison to Heaven, but still! It's amazing! When was the last time you TRULY looked around? When was the last time you looked at every leaf on a tree, every speck in the dirt and petal on a flower? Every pattern in the sand, every bit of stardust in the sky, every swirl in the clouds, and every blade in the grass? We lose so much wonder in the earth that we start to lose how amazing and awe inspiring God is!

One of my favorite movies is A Blast From the Past. In it Adam (Brenton Frasier) lived in a fall out shelter for about thirty years and when he finally comes out he see things he never has before in his whole life! He looks at the sky, feels each drop of rain, and jumps into the vast ocean! He has so much joy in each thing he sees like a child and people don't understand it! Now not only is this movie cute, funny, and has pretty awesome swing dancing, but it also has a good point! In the movie the only person who understood why he was so happy to see the sky was a little girl! And I myself lost this. We get so distracted that we don't look at the details anymore. The details God thought into in all of His knowledge and wisdom and created for each purpose and each unique! And in the past couple day God focused my eyes, like when you twist the knobs on a microscope and see the little things. I looked at each leaf and thought "Wow...!" I could go on for paragraphs upon paragraphs and still not describe all I started to see. But what I can say is that I pray more now than ever for God to focus my vision more and more! I love to see the little details! And think of each atom that is put into everything. And that instead of creating all things the same like a factory being tailor made by God to be different! I can barely wrap my little inferior mind around it but I want to try. And also to think of the bigness too. There could even be more universes plus all the galaxies, stars, planets, and meteors! And yet in all this vastness He still knows each of us! He still shows His love to each of us! He created earth here for us and put His breath of life on this one spot! Why do we stop being amazed by this? We say because we've heard it so many times but in the end we only hear it a lot because it's true! LOOK AROUND YOU! Ask God to focus your vision and look at each little and big thing on and off earth! And if you REALLY want a challenge, think about Heaven! If we are but a shadow of Heaven, how amazing is it there?

I love having new and focused eyes! Taking in each and every thing like I did as a baby! It may sound silly but it's true! After only a few weeks I feel so changed that even looking out a window makes me want to weep at it's beauty! I'll say again, LOOK! I can't even explain all that's going through my head but there's a little glimpse for you all! Things, needless to say, are great here! So continue the prayers, I pray for ya'll each day!

Psalm 139, Matthew 10:29-31, Genesis 1

-Keeping the Faith,

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