Dear God,
You are such an artist! All I have to do to see that is Google "galaxy", ignore the Mario pictures, and see your handiwork!
There is nothing so amazing as the things you create! After traveling uncountable miles into space, still your wonders are made further! The things we see with the naked eye amaze us, yet we can still look deeper. Every molecule, atom, amoeba, everything, was made by you!
We continually say that You are a creative God, yet we stop there and look no further. The universe is evidence of the creativity you have, and have passed onto us.
God, I am so tired of people saying they are not creative, yet saying they are created in your image.
I am so tired of people saying they are ugly, yet saying they are created in your image.
I am so tired of people saying they are stupid, yet saying they are created in your image.
God, you are none of those things! And since I am your child, and as is everyone else on this Earth, we are also none of those things! You created us beautiful and smart, and gave us the creativity to also create and echo your designs! Although we cannot compare the work you have made to our kindergarten stick-figures, we still have that inside of us.
Dearest Father, I want to ask that you would awaken your children! As the Enemy lies to them, saying they are not creative, beautiful, or smart, can I partner with you to break those lies? I believe every child and adult can draw. And I am sure you do as well! Yet we continue to doubt ourselves from things that have been whispered to us in all sorts of ways.
Lord, my heart breaks like yours at this sight, even though I feel a fragment of your pain, it is excruciating when I walk outside and am surrounded by blind people who do not even know their illness! God I want to change this, but I don't know my part yet to do this! Please let me know what part I am to play to wake up the world! Please do a work in me and speak to me right now...
Dear God,
Please let your children read your word, and believe it. May they look around, and cry in amazement at your glory daily. You promise life more abundant, yet we won't accept it, we only quote it. Life more abundant is constantly in awe and wonder at you, among other things. So please God, let us believe your word. And work on me as well, I could believe it more myself. So please work on my heart and have me read with it, instead of glazing over your letters and promises to me.
God... You are so good! Please accept my letter and my cries to you! Please do thing things you said you would. For me, no body else will do.
Keeping the faith,
C.A.M, Your beloved child <3>
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