Chances are that if you are a "Mainstream Christian" (the one who listens to that latest Dove Award winning songs on the radio while sporting the newest and coolest Christian shirt) you have seen this logo somewhere, and probably even have it yourself. I feel like this phrase is use so often in "Christian Culture" and after a while it has "dulled out" and lost it's powerful meaning over the years.
John 17:14-18 (KJV)
(Jesus speaking) "I have given them Your Word; and the world has hated them because they are not of the world, just as I am not of the world. I do not pray that You should not take them out of the world, but you should keep them from the evil one. They are not of the world, just as I am not of the world. Sanctify them by Your truth. Your word is truth. As You sent me into the world, I also have sent them into the world."
Can we admit that most of us don't know that passage very well? Most people think this was said by Paul, but it was said by Christ first.
Is it wrong to wear Christian tees and listen to Christian radio and music? Not at all! I am so glad that we sport Christ in what we do and wear. And I like the cool look of the logo for "Not Of This World", I think a lot of us have wanted this in tattoo form at some point of our life, I know I have at least! The thing that I do have a problem with is losing the meaning of powerful verses and phrases. Take John 3:16 for example. We have is on everything these days. We learn to quote the verse when we are two. So when we hear someone talk about it we, weather conscience or un-conscience, think "Oh I have heard this before, I know it" and out brains will shut down and we tune out. "Yea yea, God so loves the world," is what is playing in our head.
The reason John 3:16 was so popular is because it is one of the most powerful verses in the entire Bible on our faith! There is so much more to it then Sunday School classes and T-shirts.
I feel the same way about "Not Of This World" now. Jesus says he is not of this world, and because we identify with him, his death and resurrection, we are now also not of this world.
I feel like the closer I am to God the further away I feel with other people. When I am close to God I feel "different" with other people around me. The place that I feel I belong is when I am in His presence, in worship, and in the company of other believers that are close to Him. I feel pretty disconnected a lot of the time though. In the end I don't really belong. I am not of the world and as I realize that in my heart I find that I really don't feel like I am a part of "this world" and worldly people. I find that the more time I spend with God the more I feel disconnected from the world, I feel uncomfortable with sin, and I feel awkward in conversations that are not godly. This may make me sound bland or like a very awkward person, but I don't really care much if that is what people think of me.
"I have given them Your Word; and the world has hated them because they are not of the world, just as I am not of the world."
One of my first ever posts said this but I am going to repeat it.
Why do we try so hard to fit in as Christians? Why do we want the world to accept us and like us so much? Why is it that we copy the world in our dress, (and put a cross on it) in our music (and replace "baby" and "my girl" with "God"), and in the way we treat others (feeling awkward approaching the poor and needy when you are having a good time) We make out church services like a concert, our schools like a regular one but with one very large Christian club, and our children not "too radical" so they can have "normal lives like everyone else". Who wants a normal life? Who wants complacently and popularity when we are offered eternal life and life more abundant?
The world hates true Christians. We are convicting, when we love and forgive we heap coals on people's heads, we don't hang out in places that are "cool", we don't dress immodestly to attract people, we won't have sex with our dates, we won't date a bunch of random people for attention, we conduct ourselves honorably before man and God, we worship instead of getting drunk with our free nights, we pray for people in the street, we give what we own to the poor, we place others before ourselves, we talk about after life all the time, we talk in mysterious phrases that confuse most people, we read an old and very long book and enjoy it, and we talk and ask favors from a person we cannot see but know is there.
Why does the world like you? Do worldly people think you are "so awesome"? Why? They should know us by our love, yet also be uncomfortable to be around us because of it. There are people who love Christians because there is something different about us, and that's great!
What I am saying is that to love the world is to hate God because you cannot serve two masters. Are we living like Christ? Are we living like we are just visiting this world and are picking up people to take with us to our true home? So many times I do not act this way, but there is still a part of me that feels like I don't really belong here. I don't really belong. I am a missionary and a disciple of my Rabbi and I am a daughter of the Most High God and I am going to get to live in my home after this short trip on Earth is finished. I am so excited for this!
Christians are the body of Christ and a community of Sojourners who are soon to go home together. We are all foreigners from the same country and we are brothers and sisters. If I was in Korea I would feel more comfortable with an American there because we understand each other better. It should be the same way for the body of Christ. We are sanctified by His truth now and born again, praise the Lord!
Do you feel different? Spend more time with your Daddy and let Him mold you into the person He created you to be. You will see your perspective slowly change on things because the more light that is in our life the more we see the darkness. We are circle pegs who will never fit into the square holes in the world, we go to the hole of what we are made for. We are made for the Kingdom of God and Eternity and the day we a re there is the day we will truly belong.
Keeping the Faith,
I am my Daddy's little girl and I am not of this world!
Image Credit: Clothing from c28 Christian clothing company
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