So I am finding that 1 Corinthians love is all about laying yourself down and caring for others. All of the previous parts had something to do with it, so it seems that in case you did not catch all of what was written before or really got the meaning the writer decided to plainly say it, "Love does no seek it's own."
Our nature is self preservation, to seek for our own benefit. But the nature of the spirit is to care not for your self but for others. This is why we die to self, so that the spirit can prevail in our life. I admit that I am a selfish person, because we are all selfish. I try my best to not be prideful or selfish and I make mistakes all the time. And when I try to do it on my own, with my own strength, that is when I fail the most.
I see Jesus' whole life as an example to us. He showed us how to live, he showed us that through grace we can overcome sin even as a Man. Then he died, the ultimate act of love and sacrifice, and then rose from the dead through the Holy Spirit, which now dwells within us, and is interceding for us in Heaven! What He did was incredible, what he is still doing is incredible. So I know that I am able to overcome sin and temptation as well through the Trinity. I also know that you can as well.
I do not think that God would ever give a task that is impossible, because through Him all is possible. But with our own strength these things are impossible. So while is may seem that to be selfless and to not seek your own, in every circumstance, it is possible with the strength of The Lord. I write with the upmost faith that we can all, as the body of Christ, overcome this!
So how are we not self seeking? Our priorities are dead last, bottom of the food chain. What everyone else wants comes before us. Naturally we think that this is ridiculous, that would be human nature crying out. "How can I not care for myself? That is stupid, I have to put myself first sometimes!" While many people say this, that does not make it true. You put the charities, the poor, the widows, the wants and needs of everyones else, other peoples plans, and Gods priorities high above your own and when all of those are taken care of you will be taken care of. It seems miserable to be that person who just keeps giving, but is that not what Christ did? And are we not his followers? Disciples who want to be just like him in every way?
There was a story I heard once about "the foolish traveler" in Japan. This person gave all they had and were generous. So people started to use them, they would even lie to the person. They would tell them that they were sick and needed medicine and he would give them anything he could. Once he was out of money he started to give away his belongings and clothing. He ended up naked in the forest without anything. Then goblins came claiming that they were starving so he gave up his body to them to eat. All that he had left in the end was his head, with no eyes. Then the goblins, mocking him, said they had a present for him. It was a piece of paper with the word "Fool" written on it. Then he cried out of joy, "This is the first time anyone has given me anything!" And he died while saying thank you and crying...
Is that story very fictional and a bit morbid? Yes. Does it have a good point? Yes.
People read that and take away, "stupid person, don't give away what you have or you will die like that!"
I take it as "That is how I should live my life".
I am not going to give up my body for goblins to eat, but I will give what I have.
"If a man asks for your shirt give him your cloak as well." (Matt. 5:40)
To keep giving is what I want my life to be like, and it is so hard to give up what I have to others. I know I need to do it and I fight every time a person asks for somethings from me. Money, food, clothes, time, etc. We want things things that we consider "ours" to stay ours. But aren't all of these things Gods in the end?
He gave us life, out time on this Earth, our food, our clothes, our money and job, these are all blessings and gifts from God. He can take them away at will. So when he asks us, through the Holy Spirit, to give it to others why can we not give it? It is not really ours, it is Gods. We should be willing to give up what God has given us at any time, He gives and takes away.
The study of love is a convicting one. Once you think you are loving you realize that you really are not... Christmas is coming up and it is the greatest time to show love. We choose this time to celebrate Christ being given to us men, because God so loved us all. What better time to show His way of love to others? Be charitable, and do not stop after winter ends. Let us all work together to really reflect Christ. To be the Moon reflecting the Sun. That is what draws people to God. I know that I will probably mess up but I want to at least try, with His grace.
Refining the Faith,
Photo Credit: http://www.vine2victory.com/real-love/
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