It showed how there was Infanticide (Google if you wish) and how if you were elderly or sick or there was anything wrong with you people would throw you on the street and ignore you hoping that you would die soon. The value for life was astoundingly low and things like the colosseum were opened. And all the great scholars and philosophers would say that if you were sick you were better off being dead and not burdening the living. When they were saying this all the people around me were thinking "how horrible it was like that!" But it is still like that now, which I'll move on to later.
But around the beginning of AD Christians were changing all of this. They would take in the children who were abandoned "for the good of the family" and who were running around like packs of wild dogs trying to survive and they would give them food, clothing, and even a place to live. Christians opened up some of the first hospitals and orphanages! They would take in the homeless and the widows and the elderly and they would take care of the sick even at the cost of their own lives! One of the reasons Christianity spread is because they were doing just as Jesus told them and people were noticing the love of God through them! It made people wonder about how they could be so loving when others turned away and they wanted that love in their life!
The main reason why I'm writing about this is because I noticed recently that while back then Christians were giving their lives and loving everyone without any pity or judgment somewhere along the way we seemed to have lost this. We were the first to act and we were known for being caring and loving to everyone and now Christians have lost that reputation! We watch those videos and say "Wow! Those Christians back then were amazing!" and we cry and think about how awesome it is. Then we leave the building and look down on the homeless people on the street! We judge them and think "ugh, don't make eye contact! They're probably just druggies or alcoholics!" We say "oh I don't have any money" yet just a minute ago they bought about fifty dollars worth of useless things! And I honestly wonder what day it was, what year it was, that Christians decided not t care anymore...
We as Christians used to be the only loving non-judgmental people on the earth and now people think of us and the judging people who only care about themselves or people just like themselves! And these types of "Christians" DRIVE ME CRAZY! I have a bad name and people won't come near us or our churches because of these types of people! And the part that bugs me the most is that I know I used to be one of them... When I saw a homeless person I didn't want to help them and I just kept going me own way. If I ever saw a "dirty looking" person in the church I would avoid them. I was acting like everyone else and then recently I decided that I had enough with it! I say I want to strive to be like Jesus yet I wasn't following the simplest and strongest of His commands! "LOVE"
There are many kinds of love but I'm talking about "Godly Love", the love of Jesus. The love that says "No matter what you do or how you've messed up I won't judge you and I will only love you." We look at what we think are horrid people but our judging of them is worse. Taking the log out of our eyes is a crucial step in our walk of faith. And I admit to still having a few wood chips or splinters in my own eye. With Gods special tweezers I'm taking them out to see things as clearly as I can! When Jesus was walking on this earth he was the very first to even go near the sick and the people who had problems and when "the little children" came to him I don't think of sweet shy kids, I think of the abandoned ones running wild coming up to him and he was loving them!
Now what I was saying earlier about how we still have no respect for life.
It's true we no longer burn Christians alive as torches to light games as the battle rings are filled with blood, but we still don't have very much respect for life! Infanticide is much like abortions now. People would leave their children on the street to die or even would sell them to be sacrificed to gods! And to me abortion is no different! Yet we treat it like nothing. Whenever there is an incident on the news people say "oh, well at least only twenty people died" ....!!!!!!
Theres a song that I love and in it it says "Break me heart for what breaks Yours!" I prayed that earnestly and I started to see things differently! I can't watch the news now. Why? Because when I hear of anybody dying no matter the age or "if I knew them" I start wanting to cry! God breaks my heart for what breaks His and I realized that He feels so much pain for every person who dies! The pain I feel is about one millionth of what He feels and I can barely stand it sometimes! And yet I see people who think that death is just another thing. We give about five dollars to the Haiti fund and we think we've been good and that it's enough. I feel that it is never enough! I feel that whatever I give and do it's not all that I can do and I'm not satisfied!
So to wrap things up a little recently me and my friend have decided that when we see a homeless person or anyone who needs help that we are to help them! Recently I jumped out of a car at a traffic light in the middle of the street just to hand a homeless man a bible, some water, and what was going to be my lunch! I wanted to do more! And when I couldn't get out of the car fast enough to help a homeless lady I felt horrible! I wanted so much to help her and I didn't. I I WANT the heartbreak and guilt of God for every time I ignore the needs of others! I hope that anyone who reads this will join me and my friend and give Christians and (mainly) Jesus His reputation back! It starts with us so I hope that we can have a revolution for this generation and change how people see Christ!!
(Luke 18:15-17, James 1:27, Matthew 25:36, Luke 6:41.)
Keeping the Faith,
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